Open Skirt&Dress

14 October 2020, 12:18 850

Open Skirt&Dress

Model description :

Dimensions: 36/38 (40/42) You will need: yarn 1 (100% silk; 100 m / 50 g) – 300 (350) g yellow; yarn 2 (55% cotton. 25% polyamide, 20% silk; 125 m / 50 g) – 100 (150) g blue and silver each; Knitting needles number 5.5 and 6; circular needles number 5.5. Note: yarn 2 knit in 2 threads.

Openwork pattern (needles number 6): the number of loops is a multiple of 22 (24) + 1 (3) + 2 chrome. For the 1st size, knit according to the pattern 1. For the 2nd size, according to the pattern 2. On the diagrams, only the front rows are given; in the back rows, knit the loops according to the pattern, persons. crossed and nakida – purl. In width for the 1st size, start with chrome., Repeat rapport, loop after rapport and chrome. For size 2, start with chrome. and loops before rapport, repeat rapport, finish loops after rapport and chrome.


In height, repeat from the 1st to the 20th rows. The front surface (spokes number 5.5): front rows – front loops, purl rows – back loops. Gum (needles number 5.5): the number of loops is a multiple of 4 + 2 chrome. Persons rows: krom., * I persons., 2 ex., 1 persons., from * repeat, krom. Out rows: knit loops according to the pattern. Decorative slowdowns: from the right edge = chrome., 1 person, 2 p. knit together with the inclination to the left (= 1 p. remove, as with the front knitting, to knit the next loop front and removed the loop through the knit); from the left = chrome .. knit according to the pattern to the last 4 p., then 2 p. knit together persons., chrome. But the loops obtained from knitted together 2 p. .. further knit persons. stitch to after / before chrome. It was 2 p. smooth

Knitting density:

16 p. X 22.5 p. =10 x 10 cm. Knitted with yarn 1 (= yellow thread) with an openwork pattern with needles No. 6; 17 5 p. X 27 p. = 10 x 10 cm. Associated with yarn 1 (= yellow thread) persons. spokes number 5.5; 17 p. X 22 p. = Yu x 10 cm. Tied with elastic yarn 2 in two threads with needles No. 5.5. The back: on the needles N® 6 dial yellow thread 69 (77) n. And 1st p. (= izn. series) knit with purses (this series is not taken into account in subsequent calculations) and then knit with an openwork pattern. Through 44.5 cm = 100 p. from the dial-up row go to the spokes number 5.5 and continue the work on the face.


After 18.5 cm = 50 p. from the beginning of the front surface, change the yarn and knit in 2 blue threads with a rubber band, while in the 1st p. evenly subtract 3 s. = 66 (74) s. After 2 cm = 4 p. from the beginning of the gum, first close on both sides for the armholes 1 time by 3 p. then subtract (see Decorative subtracts) 1 time in the next 2 r. and 3 times in each 4th p. 1 p. = 52 (60) p. After 13.5 cm = 30 p. From the beginning of the gum, continue the work with yarn 2 to 2 silver threads. After 22 cm = 48 p. (24.5 cm = 54 p.) From the beginning of the gum, close on both sides for shoulder bevels 1 time 4 (5) p. Then in the next 2 r. one more time 4 (5) points. Simultaneously with the beginning of the shoulder bevels, close the middle 24 points for the neck and finish both sides separately. For rounding the neck close from the inside edge in the next 2nd p. 1 rose 2 p. Through 23.5 cm = 52 p. (26 cm = 58 p.)


From the beginning of the gum to close the remaining 4 (6) p. Shoulder. Simultaneously with the beginning of the humeral bevels, close the 24 pp for the neck and finish both sides separately. For rounding the neck close from the inside edge in the next 2nd p. 1 rose 2 p. Through 23.5 cm = 52 p. (26 cm = 58 p.) From the beginning of the gum to close the remaining 4 (6) p. Shoulder. Simultaneously with the beginning of the humeral bevels, close the 24 pp for the neck and finish both sides separately. For rounding the neck close from the inside edge in the next 2nd p. 1 rose 2 p. Through 23.5 cm = 52 p. (26 cm = 58 p.) From the beginning of the gum to close the remaining 4 (6) p. Shoulder.

The second side finish symmetrically: 

Before: knit, like a back but for a deeper neck, close the middle 16 points but at a height of 18 cm = 40 r. (20.5 cm = 46 p.) From the beginning of the gum and for rounding to close from the inner edge in each 2nd p. 2 times by 2 points and 2 times by 1 loop.

Sleeves: on the needles No. 5.5, type in 2 blue yarns with 2 blue threads 42 (50) on and knit with an elastic band. After 10 cm = 22 p. from the dial-up row, continue working in 2 silver threads and at the same time, first close on both sides for wrap 1 time by 3 p. then subtract (see Decorative additions) 2 times in each 4th p. and 11 times in every 2nd p. (15 times in each 2nd p.) 1 p. Through 14.5 cm = 32 p. from the beginning of the silver fragment, close the remaining 10 (14) p. in one row. Assembly: perform shoulder seams. For ruley roll type on circular knitting needles on the edge of the neck in 2 silver threads 74 p. And knit in a circle 3 p. individuals. satin stitch (= only faces. loops). Then close the loop. Sew the sleeves. Run side seams and sleeve seams. I like to Knit new patterns crochet and knitting. I like to Knit new patterns crochet and knitting.

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