Double Owl Mittens

30 October 2020, 13:47 884

Double Owl Mittens

Yarn for hand knitting. Soft, slightly fluffy yarn with camel hair in the composition is suitable for knitting both adults and children.

Skein weight: 100 g
Thread Length: 204 m
Composition: 15% camel hair, 25% wool, 60% acrylic

Knitting lot: 18 loops of faces. needles # 5 = 10cm


Left Mitt:
Type on knitting needles number 5 32p. Knit in a circle, mark with a marker the beginning of a row. Run 24 rows with a 2 * 2 elastic on knitting needles No. 4.

Go to the knitting needle number 5. Perform a series with decreases: * 6 persons., 2p. facial together * Repeat 3 more times (= 28p.)
2 rows of facial.
Track. number: 20 persons., 2 out., 6 persons. (28p)

Start increments for the thumb wedge:
1p: 3 persons., Persons. behind the front and back walls (i.e., add 1 p.), 15 persons., 4 out., 5 persons (= 29 p.)
2 p.: 4 persons, persons. behind the front and back wall, 14 faces., 6 out., 4 faces. (= 30p)
3 r.: 5 persons., Persons. behind the front and back wall, 13 faces., 8 out., 3 faces. (= 31п)
4p: 6 persons., Persons. behind the front and rear wall, 12 faces., 10 out., 2 faces. (= 32п)
5p: 7 persons, persons. behind the front and back wall, 11 persons, 12 out of 1 person (= 33 p)
6p: 8 persons., Persons. behind the front and rear wall, 10 faces., 14 out of time (= 34p)
7p: 9 persons, persons. behind the front and back wall, 10 faces, 14 out of time (= 35 p)
8p: 10 persons, persons. behind the front and back wall, 10 persons, out. behind the front and rear wall, 2 out., 8 persons., 2 out., out. behind the front and rear wall (= 38p)
9p: 11 persons., Persons. behind the front and back wall, 10 persons., 4 life, 8 persons, 4 out of time (= 39п)
10p: 12 persons, persons. behind the front and rear wall, 10 faces, 4 out of 8, 8 out of 4 faces (= 40 p)
11p: 13 persons, persons. behind the front and back wall, 10 persons, 4 out of 8 persons, 4 out of (41 p)
12p: 14 persons, persons. behind the front and rear wall, 10 persons, 4 out of stock, remove 2 items for extra. knitting needle at work, 2 persons, knit persons. hinges with add. knitting needles, remove 2 st. knitting needle before work, 2 persons., knit persons. hinges with add. knitting needles, 4 out. (= 42p)

Separate the thumb loops:
13 p: 16 persons, take off the spare knitting needle 10p., 4 out of 8, 8 out of 4, (out of 32)
14r: 16 people., 4 life, 8 people, 4 out of time (= 32 p.)
Repeat 14 p. 7 more times.

22p: 16 persons, 4 out of date, remove 2 items for extra. knitting needle at work, 2 persons, knit persons. hinges with add. knitting needles, remove 2 st. knitting needle before work, 2 persons, knit persons. hinges with add. knitting needles, 4 out.
23r: 16 persons, 4 out of 8 persons, 4 out of 4
Repeat 23p. 3 more times
27r: 16 persons, 4 out of stock, 2 pct. knitting needle at work, 2 persons, knit out. hinges with add. knitting needles, remove 2 st. knitting needle before work, 2 out, knit faces. hinges with add. knitting needles, 4 out.
28r: 16 persons, 4 lives, 2 persons, 4 out of 2, 2 persons, 4 out of.
29 r: 16 persons, 4 life, 2 together facial, out. behind the front and rear wall, 2 out, out. behind the front and back wall, 1 broach (remove the loop as faces., 1 faces., stretch it through the removed loop), 4 out. (= 32p)
30r: 16 persons, 16 out of.
31R: 17 persons., 14 out of 1 person.
32r: 18 persons., 12 out of 2 persons.
33r: 19 persons., 10 out of 3 persons.

We begin to form the top of the mittens
34 r: broach, 12 persons, 2 p. Together, facial, broach, 2 persons, 8 out of 2, 2 persons, 2 p. Together, facial (28p)
35r: broach, 10 persons, 2 p. Together facial, broach, 2 persons, 6 out of 2, 2 persons, 2 p. Together facial (24 p.)
36r: broach, 8 persons, 2p. together facial, broach, 2 persons, 4 out of 2 persons, 2 p. together facial (= 20 p.)
37r: broach, 6 persons, 2 p. Together, facial, broach, 2 persons., 2 out, 2 persons, 2 p. Together facial (= 16 p.)
38r: broach, 4 persons, 2 p. Together, front, broach, 4 persons, 2 p. Together, facial (12 p.)
39r: broach, 2 p. Together facial, broach, 2 persons, 2 p. Together persons. (8 p)
40r: broach, 2 p. Together front, broach, 2 p. Together front (4 p)
Break the thread, stretch it through the remaining loops and fasten.

Transfer the deferred 10 stitches to the knitting needles.
Preparatory row: 10 persons, dial 4 p. (14p)
Next row: 10 faces, 2 together front, 2 together front (12p)
Knit front 9 rows (or the number of rows you need)
Decreases 1 r.: 2 together front, repeat to the end of the row (3 p.)
Break the thread, collect the remaining loops on it.

Right mitten:

Knit as left to increase on the wedge of the thumb.
1 p.: 9 persons, persons. behind the front and back wall (i.e., we add 1 p.), 9 people., 4 out., 5 people. (= 29 p.)
2 p.: 9 persons, persons. behind the front and back wall, 9 persons., 6 out of 4 persons (= 30 p.)
3p: 9 persons, persons. behind the front and back wall, 9 persons, 8 out of 3 persons (= 31 p)
4p: 9 persons, persons. behind the front and back wall, 9 persons, 10 out of 2 persons. (= 32)
5p: 9 persons, persons. behind the front and back wall, 9 persons, 12 out of 1 person (= 33 p)
6p: 9 persons, persons. behind the front and back wall, 9 persons, 14 out of. (34 p.)
7p: 9 persons, persons. behind the front and back wall, 10 faces, 14 out of time (= 35p)
8p: 9 persons, persons. behind the front and back wall, 11 persons, out. behind the front and back wall, 2 out, 8 persons, 2 out, out. behind the front and rear wall (= 38p)
9p: 9 persons, persons. behind the front and back wall, 12 persons, 4 out of 8 persons, 4 out of time (= 39 p)
10p: 9 persons, persons. behind the front and back wall, 13 persons, 4 out of 8 persons, 4 out of (40 p)
11p: 9 persons, persons. behind the front and back wall, 14 faces, 4 out of 4, 8 faces, 4 out of (= 41)
12p: 9 persons, persons. behind the front and back wall, 15 persons, 4 out of stock, remove 2 items for extra. knitting needle at work, 2 persons, knit persons. hinges with add. knitting needles, remove 2 st. knitting needle before work, 2 persons, knit persons. hinges with add. knitting needles, 4 out (= 42p)

Separate the thumb loops:
13 p. remove the spare knitting needle 10 st, 16 persons., 4 out of 8 persons, 4 out of 32 (32p. in work)

Next, knit as described left in.

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